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1-6 May 2019, Germany

Labs at Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2019

Lichtburg Filmpalast, Germany

with Baltic Analog Lab, Double Negative, Labo BXL, Labor Berlin, Nanolab, Space Cells


Dedicated to the international community of artist-run labs, that focus on the question of how analogue film, with its aesthetic and technical requirements, can hold its ground against the dominance of digital media.

We are very pleased to announce that Baltic Analog Lab takes part in 65. Oberhausen International Short Film festival in a special Lab's programme curated by Vassily Bourikas.


We will be showing four analog films of our members:

Slavas dziesma/Victory Song . Ieva Balode. LV, 2017, '10'30 16mm
.Inese Tīkmane, Laima Vainiņa. LV, 2017, 4’ Super8

tā...atā/so…goodbye.  Elizabete Mežule-Gricmane. LV, 2017. 3', Super8

Ieva & Dainis uzlauž kodu/ Ieva & Dainis Crack the Code. Lāsma Bērtule. LV, 2018, 4', Super8

Baltic Analog Lab, Double Negative, Labo BXL, Labor Berlin, Nanolab, Space Cells

Labs at Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2019
Labs at Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2019
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