25 July 2019, Latvia
Artist Talk
Baltic Analog Lab
with Megumi Ohguri and Manon VanScoder
[For English scroll below]
Baltic Analog Lab aicina ciemos uz tikšanos ar divām mūsu šī brīža rezidentēm - Megumi Ohguri no Japānas un Manon VanScoder no ASV (informāciju lasīt zemāk), kas pie mums strādā pie saviem fotogrāfijā balstītiem projektiem un šajā prezentācijā pastāstīs par savu praksi un šī brīža aktuālo projektu.
Pēc prezentācijas tiks demonstrēta arī filma no Baltic Analog Lab 16mm filmu arhīva, kurā sastopamas dažādas dokumentālas, kā arī amatieru veidotas filmas. Šoreiz skatīsimies dokumentālo filmu "The Islander" par Barras salu un tās izolētajiem iedzīvotājiem Skotijā.
Filma tiks rādīta angļu valodā.
Līdzi var ņemt savus dzērienus, kā arī ja laiks būs labs, gatavosim ārā BBQ (Informācija tiks precizēta)
Vai par ziedojumiem
25.07.2019. at 19:00
Baltic Analog Lab invites you to an artist talk with two of our current artists in residence - Megumi Ohguri (Japan) and Manon VanScoder (USA) who are currently working on their photography based projects and will talk about their current work as well as artistic practice.
After presentation there will be a film screening from the 16mm archive collection of Baltic Analog Lab. This time we will be watching a documentary "The Islander" - a story of isolated community of Barra island in Scotland.
Take your own drink and if the weather will be good, we will do a BBQ (Info will be updated)
or for donations
Manon VanScoder is an artist and photographer working on short and long-form projects related to memory, community, and transformation. She received her BA in film production and currently resides in Toledo, Ohio, USA.
Her works are very much related to her family history and chasing the traces of what has remained of it. Her residency in Riga is part of her family-research based art project.
Megumi Ohguri is a Tokyo based photographer. She has studied in Department of Architecture, Kyoto Seika University and afterwards turned to photography whilst studying in Institute of Photography and Film to learn photography. While working as a full-time teacher at the institute above, she kept on creating her own creative works. She has been also teaching photography at Osaka Electro-Communication University and is a member of Spiegel Photographer’s Association in Japan.
She has taken part in Cité international des Arts residency in Paris and has received Gold Medal Award at Salon internationale du Monde de la culture et des arts M.C.A., Cannes, France.
After coming back home,she has participated in the following exhibitions: “I AM GIULIETTA. THE DRIVE ART Exhibition” ALFA ROMEO Project, Spiral Garden, Tokyo, Japan; “Paysage d’une fenêtre” Exhibition of Photofolies, Galerie O’zart, Tours, France; “17th DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow Exhibition” The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan; “Basically. Forever.” Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan, etc.
Being based in Tokyo, she keeps on trying to express the sense of traditional Japanese atmosphere in the constructive framework which she learned in Paris.